

How to implement light & dark mode in Next.js 14 with Tailwind (2 methods)

This article explains how to implement light and dark mode in Next.js 14 using Tailwind CSS. You will learn two methods to switch ...


Understanding Server Actions in Next js 14

This article explains how to use Server Actions in Next.js step-by-step so you can make the most of this powerful feature and easi...


How to set up Prisma and Postgres in Next.js 14

This article guides you through the setup process of using Prisma in your Next.js application with a Postgres database. Prisma is ...


How to add an automatic offset to scroll position for hash-links

This article explains how to add automatic offset to scroll position for hash-links using CSS. It's the subtle details that often ...


A detailed Guide to data fetching in Next.js 14

Learn how Next.js 14 handles data fetching in server side components and client side components. This guide also covers the evolut...


Statically generate dynamic routes at build time in Next.js 14

Learn how Next.js 14 handles static rendering when dealing with dynamic routes. If you're making the switch from older versions or...


2023, Landed a Full-Time Job, Graduated, Faced Confusions

My review of how I went through 2023. My year started with so much faith, I got a full time job and graduated from school. God car...


How To Add Styling To An Active Link In Next.js 14

This article explains how Next.js 14 simplifies styling active links using the usePathname Client Component hook, enabling a smoot...


Understanding Dynamic Programming With JavaScript

In this article, you'll learn what dynamic programming is, how it works, and how to use it to solve problems with JavaScript.


What is Memoization? Explained With JavaScript

In this article, you will understand memoization and learn how it works with JavaScript, which is similar to other languages.


JavaScript Closures: How Functions Remember External Variables

In this article, you'll explore how closures work in JavaScript and how they can be used in real-world scenarios.


How To Calculate the Estimated Reading Time of an Article With JavaScript

In this article, you'll show learn how to calculate the estimated reading time of an article using JavaScript. By the end of this ...


Recursion in JavaScript: Explained for Beginners

Have you ever heard of the term 'recursion' and wondered what it meant? Yay! In this article, you will learn everything you need t...


Understanding State and Props in React: Key Differences Explained

In this article, you'll have a clear understanding of what state and props are, how they work, and, most importantly, how to use t...


Slice vs. Splice in JavaScript: Understanding the Differences and When to Use Them

In this article, we'll explore the differences between slice and splice, and provide you with some exciting code examples to help ...


How To Clone a Specific Branch With Git

Cloning is an essential feature of Git that allows developers to make local copies of a repository. In this article, you will lear...


What is Headless CMS? A Beginner's Approach

In this beginner-friendly article, we'll explore the inception of CMS and how headless CMS is redefining content management in the...


How To Create an Array of Unique Values in JavaScript

As a programmer, you know that arrays are a powerful tool in JavaScript. However, sometimes you need to ensure that the data in yo...


What is Static Site Generators? A Beginner's Approach

It's crazy to think about how much the internet has evolved since its inception. In this article, I will take you on a journey thr...


2022, Helped By God

My review of how I went through 2022. My year started really low, went so so high, and then dropped average. Overall, I am tagging...